October 8, 2022
Mahi madness on the fly continues!
I gotta say, there’s nothing better then seeing my guests get all fired up when they manage to hook a Dorado on the fly! It gets me just as stoked as if I caught it. Fishing with these two gentlemen Friday was a blast! All they wanted was to catch a mahi by way of fly for the first time. Mission accomplished! Perfect weather, flat seas, and exciting battles with these beautiful game fish! These fish always put on a great show, like watching fireworks go off! Really going to miss them when they decide to leave for warmer waters. It’s been quite an amazing year, one I won’t forget! 2022, the year of the Mahi.
Sunday May, 15
An excellent day in the San Diego Bay. Caught a wide variety of fish including spotted bass, guitar fish, mackerel, and check out the size of that bone fish! Nice job everyone. Family memories to last a lifetime.
Big Tuna Time
Our captains putting in some training time on the Nimbus before she's ready for business. They might have mixed business and pleasure.